Let's make our community a better place!
Welcome to our web site and thank you for taking the time to inquire. We are a family orientated Church. Our services are designed to be a clear and simple form of worship.
We enjoy congregational singing followed by an acknowledgement of those in need of special prayer and giving thanks for our blessings; after which we rejoice in hearing the word of God preached.
We often have lunch following our worship service and enjoy a time of fellowship.
We hope you will visit us soon; your presence will be a blessing to us and we trust to you as well.
Your Servants in Christ,
Elder Lloyd Wilkinson
Elder Loyd Blair
Associate Pastor Elder Loyd Blair
Deacon Brother Mac Aldridge
Deacon Brother Gary Summerlin
Deacon Brother Jay Buckley
940 Mount Vernon Hwy NW, Sandy Springs, Georgia 30327 United States